Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New Grade, New Ideas!

My first post!

I am very excited to learn the world of blogging! I am hoping it will help me better reflect on my teaching and connect with other teachers to learn new strategies!

I recently ended my first year of teaching for a school district and as much as I loved my classroom camping theme, I was ready for a change. My husband and I love superheros, particularly batman, so of course that is my next idea. The hardest part is finding clip art that I completely loved! Lucky for me, I had finally found what I was searching for. 
The clip art is from this awesome shop on Etsy:

My goal for the summer is to create my own decor items! So far I have my clip chart ready, one binder cover, and hall passes! 

Next up will be labels! Luckily Target is selling back to school items ridiculously early in their dollar spot. I was able to find my group bins... and this year they are thicker plastic so hopefully that means no broken bins! 

These are the new bins! Great super hero colors!

Here is a new bin (on the left) compared to last year's (on the right).
 You can seriously see the difference in plastic and they are still the same size! 
A steal for $3 each!

Well that is all for now! Happy creating! 

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